Welcome to my website

Over twenty years ago, John Pyle invited me to make a Keeper’s Diary DVD - “Pigeon Shooting, The Gamekeeper’s Way”. Subsequently we went on to make thirteen more titles together. I was then asked by Pete Carr and Wes Stanton to join The Shooting Show crew. I’m still part of the crew under the new ownership of Future Publishing. I owe a lot of my success to the cameramen and women who have patiently been with me to record my exploits in a hide (and to cut out all the misses). Thanks to John Pyle for his filming along with James Marchington, Stuart Wilson and lately, Alex Sayer who also did this website. I’ve enjoyed all times spent in a hide - even the bad days!

I would just like to add that what you watch and see on this website is my way of pigeon shooting and I am in no way in competition with any other shooter out there. Hopefully you will enjoy what you see. I look forward to bringing you, over the weeks and months, new films, start up guides, decoying tips, equipment, what to look for when planning a day, how to improve your shooting experience and what to do with your quarry at the end of the day.

Please keep an eye on this website and have a browse around. You can follow me on Facebook and Instagram using the links below and don’t forget to watch the Shooting Show at 19.30 on a Monday night.